Webinar - The Saturn-Neptune Cycle – Living, Dreaming, Ending, Beginning

MISPA Webinar - Sunday 2 March 2025
The Saturn-Neptune Cycle
10:30am Eastern Time / 3:30pm GMT

In The Red Book, Carl Jung notes, “This tangible and apparent world is one reality, but fantasy is the other reality.” This statement, both simple and complex, is a doorway into understanding the dynamics between Saturn (most aligned with what we call tangible “reality”) and Neptune (most aligned with what we call “fantasy,” or psychic reality, or imagination).

In the Spring of 2025, both Saturn and Neptune begin their move into the sign Aries, which marks the end of the current Saturn-Neptune cycle that began in 1989 in Capricorn and officially ends in February of 2026 when both planets conjoin at 0° Aries. This move into the start of a new Saturn-Neptune cycle is particularly important because 0° Aries is also the start of the entire zodiac.

This webinar explores the Saturn-Neptune cycle in depth, starting with the stark difference between the two planets, and then focusing on this current cycle, while also opening up the archetypal nature of the cycle in general – historically, culturally, artistically, psychologically, mythologically, and astrologically. Lastly, we’ll look at the unique and profound opportunity presented by both planets in the Mars-ruled, fiery sign of Aries, at the start of the zodiac, keeping in mind that Neptune in Aries is new to us all, given its almost 165-year orbit.  

Posted on February 9, 2025 .

Webinar - Saturn & the Outer Planets - Encountering Larger Realities

Saturn & the Outer Planets - Encountering Larger Realities
Saturday November 16, 2024 - 8pm Eastern Time
Hosted by The Astrology Collective (based in Perth, Australia)

One of Saturn’s essential archetypal roles in our lives (and in our charts) is to set limits. Traditional astrology tells us that Saturn rules over prisons. When imposed on us from the outside world, limits can often feel confining and oppressive – like a prison. Paradoxically, limits can also feel liberating – like knowing when enough is enough, saying “no,” setting a boundary.

Saturn is also the planet we most associate with “reality.” Distinguishing and navigating between inner and outer realities (plural) via Saturn becomes increasingly challenging (and increasingly important) when Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto engage with Saturn. Limits and boundaries mingle and merge with larger realities like revolution and eternity. New possibilities and potentials emerge, activating imagination.

This webinar explores the rather complex archetypal relationship between Saturn and the outer planets, individually and collectively, via the arts and culture. Features numerous chart examples showing Saturn in aspect to outer planets, as well as transits of the outer planets to natal Saturn.

Posted on November 8, 2024 .

Webinar - “Opening Jung’s ‘The Red Book’ - Suggestions for Getting Started”

** Now available to rent: Opening Jung’s “The Red Book”

Webinar presented through MISPA, Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology:

Carl Jung’s The Red Book, first published in 2009 though originally written starting in the autumn of 1913, is a raw, intimate, and mysterious book sitting at the foundation of Jungian psychology. Open The Red Book and what springs forth is an altogether different experience than that of reading the Collected Works, barely recognizable as the Jung we know through terms like introversion, extroversion, and psychological types. The Red Book resembles something more like a work of archetypal psychology emerging from James Hillman, Rafael López-Pedraza, or Patricia Berry.

If you are interested in The Red Book but are not sure where to begin, this webinar offers numerous suggestions on how to approach the massive work. This includes an overview of its contents, how it differs markedly from the Collected Works, and the backdrop of what led Jung to create it in the first place, relying on active imagination and his knowledge of astrology more than anything. While challenging, a deep dive with Jung into The Red Book provides an enormous amount of insight into the whole of Jungian psychology. This webinar is a springboard to get you started and is useful even if you are already familiar with the book.

One hour talk followed by short Q&A session

Posted on January 19, 2024 .