Astrology, Archetypes, Movies & TV

I will be back to writing soon, once I finish my February classes. But first I want to let you know about an exciting webinar I am presenting this coming Monday evening, February 10, for Nightlight Astrology: "Astrology, Archetypes, Movies & TV"! Some of my favorite topics all combined into one webinar! Here is a link with more information, and how to register if you are interested: Mercury Retrograde Meditation & Upcoming Guest Shawn Nygaard

Please note that the time listed is Eastern Time.

After talking about the relationship between the soul, archetypes, astrology, and popular culture, I have two parts planned (one for each hour) - including "Pluto and the Riches of the Lonely Mountain," a topic I had hoped to write an article about but decided it would take too long. You'll get to hear the topic in the webinar. The other working title was "Twilight and the Starry, Starry Night," which still figures in quite well. If either of those sound intriguing, please sign up. It would be a pleasure to have you join!

Posted on February 6, 2014 and filed under archetypes, astrology, Mercury, popular culture, symbolism.