Originally posted 5/13/21 on Instagram.
Jupiter enters Pisces on 13 May 2021. When Jupiter enters Pisces, much stirs within the unconscious, both personal and collective. The movie "Shakespeare in Love" was released in 1998, with Jupiter in Pisces. As events in the movie unfold, burdened with endless complications, the question is often asked, how will it all turn out? And the oft-repeated answer comes: "I don't know. It's a mystery!"
In astrology, keeping the mystery close at hand can make all the difference, as it allows the soul opportunities to play her hand, pull a rabbit out of the hat, open a pathway unseen thus far, give us a wink. J.R.R. Tolkien was born with Jupiter in Pisces and imagined Zeus-like giant eagles elegantly and majestically swooping in to lift Frodo and Sam to safety when all seemed lost 'at the end of all things.' When Jupiter moves through Pisces, magnify the mystery! The backdrop of mystery allows Jupiter to spread his expansive eagle-wings ever-wider.
There is something of a Mona Lisa smile within Jupiter in Pisces. Not surprisingly, Leonardo da Vinci was born with Jupiter in Pisces. "There shall be wings!" he proclaimed, as he studied birds and created wings with which to fly, long before the invention of the airplane. Speaking of airplanes, Wilbur Wright was born with Jupiter in Pisces, and the first successful airplane flight on December 17, 1903 occurred with Jupiter in Pisces. Imagine the possibilities! But remember, when asking how it will all turn out: "I don't know. It's a mystery!"