San Diego NCGR Chapter
Saturday April 15, 2023 - 11:00am Pacific Time
Dreamtime & the World to Come
As we head deeper into the 21st century, slow-moving planets continue to make their way through the watery part of the zodiac - the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. In March 2023, Pluto moves from Capricorn into Aquarius, shortly after Saturn moves from Aquarius into Pisces, all the while Neptune continues moving through the later degrees of Pisces. Like a ship making its way through vast unknown seas at times stormy and violent and at other times calm and occasionally smooth, we gaze behind us at a world fading away and we look ahead into a world not yet formed.
The question remains, as perhaps asked by Queen Elizabeth to sea-faring Sir Walter Raleigh, "Do we discover the new world, Mister Raleigh, or does the new world discover us?" This webinar looks into the possibilities, potentials, and pitfalls of Saturn and Pluto's significant sign changes - the nature of these shifts and what they ask of us. We'll look more into the watery part of the sky as well as where March 2023 fits into the greater cycles of the last few decades.